Welcome to RCHEMS.COM

IMPORTANT: RCHEMS.COM will never engage in the purchase or sale of prohibited substances. RCHEMS.COM started out of passion and belief in everyone's right to conduct research with research chemicals. Research goes hand in hand with responsibility, personal development, fun and increasing awareness. Abuse must be prevented where possible and that is why we remain critical with new products. In addition, think about your safety and take sufficient rest between your examinations.

We believe chemistry is a form of art.

Our services for vendors
  • Custom research chemical synthesis
  • Wholesale research chemicals
  • Dropshipping service for vendors

for individuals who are passionate about experimenting with research chemicals:

RCHEMS.COM provides specialist synthesis solutions to the global research market and chemical industries. As an expert in synthetic organic chemistry and drug discovery, RCHEMS.COM offers a complete range of services committed to the development and production of research chemicals from milligram to multi-kilogram scale.

Synex offers a dedicated custom synthesis and contract R&D service. We utilise our own state-of-the-art laboratory in the Netherlands, as well as the facilities of selected partners for process chemistry and manufacture. This enables us to provide a truly integrated production service for all phases of product development.

As a small, independent custom research organisation, we deliver a professional and bespoke synthesis service at competitive prices. Our specialised set-up allows us to focus on a small number of projects at a time, ensuring that all our resources are dedicated to our current assignment, thus providing our customers with an unparalleled service.

We understand that chemical development is neither a cheap nor an easy endeavour. We simplify the development process, providing access into the drug market for organisations without big budgets and endless resources. Using our chemical expertise and your input, we craft and create, transforming your ideas into molecules.

All listed chemicals available in stock as of 28. 09. 2024, you can create your order by adding products to your cart.
Feel free to ask any question to us.